Tuesday, April 14, 2009



These recipes are Danish, from the Ericksens. Grandma used to make the cottage cheese from milk that had been skimmed of cream. Mother used to make the cottage cheese and feed the dry curds mixed with cracked grain to her chickens.

It is important to use raw milk for these two recipes. I tried using pasteurized milk and it left a bitter taste in the cottage cheese. Using commercial cottage cheese for the kanapoost also left a bitter taste.........Alice Hafen

Cottage Cheese
4 cups raw skimmed milk
Set milk aside and skim cream from the top. Let sour and when it is clabbered, put it on the back of the stove to cook. (this was the back of an old coal stove where there was very little heat.) When the milk separates, pour into a colander to drain. Do not squeeze the drying curds.
To serve, mix dry curds with Miracle Whip and salt and pepper to taste.
One recipe of cottage cheese (above)
Caraway seeds
Put cottage cheese in small crock or glass jar and set for a few days with cheese cloth on top. Stir once a day until it gets ripe and then stir in salt, pepper and caraway seeds to taste. Form into a roll about 2 and on half inches long and 2 inches around. It is ready to eat. If it gets hard after a few days, you can grate it.